Hi I am moving a bunch happened it was fun at the school in Carberry I’m sorry I left without saying anything.
Hi I am moving a bunch happened it was fun at the school in Carberry I’m sorry I left without saying anything.
The first pet bird I had was a baby hawk. My step brother found something under a tree and ran upstairs to my room and said “wanna go see a hawk” I said yeah and we ran outside. Sitting in the flower bed was a baby hawk with a injured wing. We were petting it for a while. We went inside to think of a name and it popped into our heads Brody the bird. We went outside to fed him and his mother was in a tree looking at him he ran and sadly faceplanted in the snow so I picked him up and have him a burger. Later we went outside and he was nowhere to be found. That is the Pet bird I ever had.
Why I regret my biggest decision. As me and my comrades run to the beach from the boats we see our friends and brothers hit the cold wet sand after being shot. We start running t the rocky hills along the coast. we smell gun smoke and hear our friends yell “I’m hit”. I taste the sand as I hit the ground. I am shot I feel a aching pain in my stomach. as I lay face up as I hear others sprinting past I reach out for help but my friends leave me laying there. I tried to get back up but my gut wouldn’t let me. I stare at the dark cloudy sky as a bolt of lightning flashes. I take one panful breath and slowly fade away. That is why i regret my biggest decision.
by Layne
credit to Robyn for helping
I hate the only job I am able to get. It is the 1400s and in London I got the job of taking the bodies from the Black Death. It reeks like rotten eggs and moldy bread sandwiches. I see the boils and spots all over their bodies. I hear their families cries to their gods asking. “Why just why”? I feel the splinters I am getting from holding onto this wagon for so long. I taste the salty and stinging air as it burns my lungs. That is why this is the worst job you will ever get.
5 senses smell, taste, hear, see, smell
I would not be able to go a month without internet. I would be bored and have little things to do I would ask people to play outside but they would say NO! The hardest part would be boredom I would not even be able to look up fun things to do. that is why i would not last a month without internet.
The best field trip was when we went to a aviation center. It was the best field trip because we learned a lot and had fun. We went in a plane so of course Bryson and I tried to fly it sadly it had no engine! We were told stories. And then on the way back we got ice cream. that was the best field trip.
By Layne w j Ryan
History is a important thing to learn. First of all you will learn about the bad things that happened and you will not recreate it. Second reason you will learn about what you’re family has done in the past. You can learn about people who changed the world for good and bad. You can learn about how much has changed cars, animals, buildings, food. Last reason it can be fun to learn history. That is why it is important to learn history.
My dogs name is Lila she is a good dog and a great friend.
She has black and white dots on her back and sides. she is a Australian Shepard. Lila is a super hyper dog and loves to play. Recently she has been going to dog shows and she is doing great. She has a friend Zoey. Zoey is also a dog Zoey is a German Shepard golden retriever mix. Zoey loves pets and if you leave for a day or two she will always run to or around you because she gets really attached to people. Lila and Zoey are good friends they play together. That is why my dog Lila is a good dog and a great friend.
By Layne Ryan.
There were a lot of reasons for the great depression. The first reason is World War 1. Many people died and that made everyone super sad. The second reason is the Spanish flu a bunch of people died from the terrible disease and it made a bunch of people sad. Reason 3 the stock market crash no one had money and they died of starvation. Reason 4 the protests There was a huge protest and a bunch of smaller protests because of the lack of jobs and money. Those are some of the reasons the great depression.
By Layne Ryan
My favorite tv show makes me dream of new experiences life can offer me. My favorite show is Demon slayer I like the show because. It has fighting a good story and it can be very funny from time to time. The show is also very addictive. Every Sunday at 10:00 am I watch a new episode right when it comes out. It is a show, a book and a movie. Their is cool and funny characters. The show came out April 6 2019 and takes place between 1912 and 1926. So this is why demon slayer makes me think about new experiences life can offer me.